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STEM Activity : Aerospace Engineering

Transport theme- the theme in our school for the month February and March 22.

On the day of first theme circle, teacher asked her preschool students about various transport. Every one was keen to share their knowledge on transport. Teacher shared her plan of having various transport related projects through out February and march. Our little ones are always excited about projects - the hands on learning experience. When children were asked their choice of activity for the first week,( which we always offer them as a life skill building activity), the little ones were excited about doing the “aerospace engineering activity – the space craft launching”. Teacher had a plan of going with evolution of transport system starting from bullock cart! But the little ones chose to go in the reverse order.

When teacher asked the mixed age group class 3-6 year olds about their input on rocket technology, the prep 2 child was excited about sharing how she has seen the explosion at the tail of the rocket when it is launched. She also added that rocket is pushed upwards because of the explosion at the tail end.

Teacher told them, how their little rocket is going to use the air power and not the fire power.

She briefly explained to the curious little ones the theory of the rocket launch. But hey, who wants to know the theory? Children were excited to do the activity. Teacher put the resources together.

Assembled them to make them launch ready

Yes, now we are all set for the rocket launch in our own "Science Centre"

See who is responsible for filling the fuel.

The final briefing.

Setting up

Countdown and go

One of the child wanted to do the activity outside. Together they set it up outdoor.

Little ones could not hide their excitement that emerged from the sense of accomplishment. Teachers were equally excited about project based learning as that would enhance all domains of development of the little ones – language, cognitive, social skill, collaboration, sensory and perceptual development, initiative just to name few.


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