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Multiple language learning in Early Years

At Sakalya Prep, we are strong proponents of exposing our little ones to multiple languages orally. A lot of parents are becoming aware of the benefits and wanting to just provide their children with the best. Introduction to various languages is the part of our thoroughly researched bespoke curriculum for holistic development.

Firstly, it’s really not just about language. The research is now showing that children who are exposed to more than one language in early childhood have increased analytical orientation to language in general; they score higher on standardized tests in other subjects like math and logic; they make permanent connections in the brain that make it easier for them to learn a second, a third or additional languages later in life.

They also have higher self-esteem, social-emotional skills, creativity, problem-solving skills etc and one could really go on and on about all of the developmental and neural benefits to multilingualism in the early years. There are also benefits in adulthood as it has shown a decrease in the onset of Alzheimer’s in older age when people are multilingual as young children.

The benefits of learning multiple languages or more than one language for children in their early years are just really amazing. And the research is actually documenting it now, which wasn’t the case couple of decades ago. And so, it’s a very exciting time to be part of it.

Classroom Discussions @Sakalya Prep
Classroom Discussions @Sakalya Prep

Holistic Development of the little ones is our one and only mission. That is why we do, what we do!


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