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Let It Grow: Experiential Learning Plant Project

Plant theme in Sakalya Wisdom Early Years started with “let it grow” project. Apart from backyard ground space, our school has a 2000 plus sq ft terrace area for children to experience gardening and nurture love for flora and discussing on nutrition- self-care and care for nature. Prepping for the project, we had the complete space ready for growing veggies by placing grow bags, organic nutrients , compost , potting mix , stand for creepers etc. Seed trays were made ready for children to start with the basics. On the commencement day of “Let it Grow” project, children were given seeds, seed tray and water sprayer. While planting various seeds, they were initiated into the process of

how those seeds are going to grow into various plants– tomatoes, chillies, sweet corn, carrot, cauliflower, bitter gourd and many more. Children were told the importance of nutrition provided by the fruits and greens of these plants. Plant songs were sung. Later they visited the garden twice a week to see the progress. In between they also planted saplings of lettuce, leek , celery etc. They have seen how the green grow very fast and how melon bitter gourd, lady’s finger etc take time and effort to grow into healthy plants. From the perspective of Early Years Education, vocabulary building, numeracy, colour concepts, sensory experiences were remarkable throughout the project.

Imparting a valuable lesson on plants take care of us in many folds when we take good care of them was very evident. As an experiment which was conducted in tangent, children were made to plant green gram seeds in transparent pots to see the root system. Pots were kept in different controlled conditions to show the impact of sunlight and water on their growth. Amazing conclusion was that the facilitators did not have to explain much since children could deduct on their own from these projects – of course the 2 year olds saw it in their own way and 5 year olds were more expressive about their findings. The experiential learning continues…as we take care and let them grow!


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