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Handmade Paper Making Project

“Creating something on your own from the scratch”- Nothing excites a pre-schooler more than that! During circle time facilitator discussed about the plan of making handmade paper from old newspaper. She showed them the newspaper and the handmade paper made out of that. Children were in awe when they were told that they can do this during their PBL (Project Based Learning) session.

The facilitator and children arranged the raw materials – newspaper, grinder, big vessel, water and sieve.

They sang nursery rhymes together while tearing the newspaper into small pieces. Seeing their excitement administrative staff also joined them in tearing the paper. More the merrier!

Children put water into the vessel using measuring jar. Younger ones were excited to use beaker- role playing as chemist. After soaking the newspaper, they proceeded for their yoga class. Facilitator had hard time in keeping them quiet for the breathing exercise as they were all excited with their “project hand made paper”. Facilitator used this as patience developing exercise for children which is a part of Social Emotional Learning in the school - an inevitable skill any child should develop.

Later, after two hours facilitator let them transfer the soaked newspaper into the grinder. Together they ground the paper pieces and made into smooth pulp.

They transferred back the pulp into the big vessel with full of fresh water. Teacher handed over sieve to children. They took their turn, took out pulp from the water using the sieve and flipped it over the dry cloth.

They could see their product but they had to let it dry. They left it outside in sun. Yay! Lots of learning, to name few- language, fine motor, SEL, cooperation were part of this just like any other project based learning activity.


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