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Day 3: Key Learning Theories

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If you are here on Day 3 without going through Day 1 and Day 2 we would urge you to go through the Day 1 and Day 2 Topics and reflect upon it and then get back here.

Did you reflect upon yesterday’s topic “Specific areas of Development? How did you enjoy reflecting on it? Let us get into our Day 3 Reading.

Today we will see a glimpse of traditional learning theories. Before we start, we would like you to reflect upon following questions:

What is a good Life?

What is a good human being?

Behaviourism – Study of Behaviours

Basic Idea : Learning is performing new behaviours, reacting to external stimuli and raise an individual who fits into the environment.

Teaching Strategies :Task-based. Create measurable learning outcomes and guide students in mastering a set of predictable skills or behaviours

Cognitivism – Study of Mind

Basic Idea : Mental functions can be understood and learning is the processing of information.

Teaching Strategies: Plan, organise and evaluate. Analyse which tasks are appropriate for effectively and efficiently processing information and apply a variety of learning strategies.

Social Constructivism – Study of Knowledge Creation

Basic Idea : Learning takes place within a child -constructing with prior knowledge based on experience and beliefs and is highly contextual.

Teaching Strategies : Create group learning activities and guide the process of knowledge construction

Various perspectives help us to appreciate the large picture of life and child’s growth and development in a variety of areas.

Reflective questions

With the given data, do you support any specific learning theory?

Or do you think that teacher can take the best strategies out of all the theories?

Should it be teacher’s convenience or student driven?

When you take the Nursery Teacher’s Training Course: Certificate in Early Childhood Education you learn more about learning theories and contemporary approaches.

Registrations are open for the batch commencing on 16 Aug. Visit for further details.

About the author: Lt Col Bincy K Thomas (Retd) is the Co-founder and Director of Sakalya Wisdom Foundation, an organisation committed to design and offer meaningful educational services and activities. She is the Director of Sakalya Prep, The Holistic Preschool, Whitefield Bangalore. She is the Trainer and Pedagogy Expert in Sakalya Centre for Professional Development, training Centre for Teachers Professional Development, School Leaders Development Programs and Parenting Programs. She is researching into creating a dynamic holistic early childhood pedagogy. Presently She is pursuing Certificate in Early Education Leadership from Harvard Graduate School of Education, USA. Other areas of her interests are world mythologies, philosophy, social, emotional and spiritual development, leadership, gardening etc.


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